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Hello, you have reached the website of comedian Janine Adams. Look around, have a laugh! To read previous "Joke of the Week" episodes, check out the Joke of the Week Archive!

Joke of the Week #3 (3/25/2015)

Joke of the Week: Hey, Nina! Hey, Janine! Hour.

Today's episode: "Did you really think he was fine?! Check it out before you make up your mind!..Hee, hee"


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine!

Janine: Is that Bobby McFine? Oh, I love him. He appears to be so refined.

Nina: Yeah that's him, standing by the wine.

Janine: Oh! I don't know if I've got the nerve to talk to him this time.

Nina: Don't stall! Get on the ball. Oops, I mean don't be shy, come on, get the guy! Before you get a stye in your eye!


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine!

Janine: I did it! I went out with Bobby McFine!

Nina: Did you have a good time?

Janine: Well, he drank a barrel of wine.

Nina: Um, just give him one more time to see if he really is refined before you go online.


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine!

Janine: I went out again with Bobby McFine!

Nina: Did you have a good time?

Janine: He drank a gallon of vodka this time.

Nina: Oh, boy he is way out of line.


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine!

Janine: I ran into Bobby McFine!

Nina: What happened this time?

Janine: He was with his new Valentine.

Nina: Is her name Eleanor?

Janine: Yes, and she owns her own liquor store. It's right by the sea. They were drinking under the coconut tree, and he was using the tree as his bathroom, you see. I had to run because they started to snarl at me. Yikes!

Nina: You're lucky you found out in the nick of time. You saved your heart from an emotional crime! Let's toast to that you're free or take a single cruise ship to Bali! Yipipee!


Update (3/11/2015): We are back! Videos coming soon! Stay tuned. We are slowly breaking out of our cocoon! The Joke of the Week is here to stay! We will both be laughing to this comedy beat, so we'll see ya next week!


Update (12/10/2014): Duck, Duck, Goose, Goose! I asked you to chill and stay loose! The chilling must continue! Not because it's winter, we just want to make sure that we fine tune our video presentation!


Update (11/19/2014): Duck, Duck, Goose, Goose! Hang on, stay chill, stay loose! The video of the CSUMB Talent Show Stand-Up Performance will be here after Thanksgiving! *Gobble gobble*


Website (c) Janine Adams 2014.

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