Welcome to the Joke of the Week Archive!

Joke of the Week #2 (3/11/2015)

Joke of the Week: Hey, Nina! Hey, Janine! Hour.

Today's episode: "Is your friend insecure? Hurry, try to get them help before it's too LATE!"


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine!

Janine: It sure is cold!

Nina: It's cold!

Janine: Hey! Did you say I'm looking old?

Nina: Janine, no! You need to become more bold!


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine!

Janine: Did you see the bumble bee?

Nina: Near the tree?

Janine: Hey! Did you just say I'm kinky?

Nina: Janine, you're tripping, take it easy!


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine!

Janine: There is someone at the door.

Nina: I can't get it Janine, I'm getting ready to go to the store.

Janine: Hey! Did you say that I look like Al Gore?!

Nina: Janine! Stop it, no more!


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine!

Janine: I'm heading to the library.

Nina: I'm on my way to pay my tuition fee.

Janine: Hey, did you say I belong in a mental institution, hee, hee?

Nina: Janine, I'm on my way to help you get therapy!

Joke of the Week #1 (12/10/2014)

Joke of the Week: Hey, Nina! Hey, Janine! Hour.

Today's episode: "Betrayed by your best friend and how one can become unbalanced!"


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine!

Janine: What date is it?

Nina: Today's the third.

Janine: Did you just tell me to eat a turd?!

Nina: Janine, I think you're a nerd.


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine!

Janine: What time is it?

Nina: It's 4:23.

Janine: Did you just tell me drink a cup of pee pee?!

Nina: Janine, I think you need to watch an episode of Glee.


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine!

Janine: Do you have the map?

Nina: Oh yeah, it's in my lap.

Janine: Did you just call me a sap?

Nina: Janine, I think you need to get more beer from the tap.


Janine: Hey, Nina!

Nina: Hey, Janine! Are you going to get a Christmas tree?

Janine: Did you say that you're dating my husband Davie?

Nina: Janine, I think it's time you need to get a divorcee.

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